





Concise Prescribing Info
Ondansetron HCl dihydrate
Management of nausea & vomiting induced by cytotoxic chemotherapy & RT. Prevention & treatment of post-op nausea & vomiting.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Adult Emetogenic chemotherapy & RT 8 mg PO, 1-2 hr prior to chemotherapy or radiation, followed by 8 mg PO every 12 hr for a max of 5 days. Alternatively, 8 mg as slow IV or IM inj immediately before treatment, followed by 8 mg orally 12 hrly. To protect against delayed or prolonged emesis after the 1st 24 hr, continue orally up to 5 days after a course of treatment. Highly emetogenic chemotherapy A single oral dose of up to 24 mg taken together w/ 12 mg oral dexamethasone Na phosphate, 1-2 hr before chemotherapy, may be used. Alternatively, a single dose of 8 mg by slow IV or IM inj immediately before chemotherapy, which may be followed by 2 further IV/IM doses of 8 mg 4 hr apart or by a constant infusion of 1 mg/hr for up to 24 hr. Alternatively, a max initial IV dose of 16 mg diluted in 50-100 mL of saline or other compatible infusion fluid & infused over not less than 15 min immediately before chemotherapy. Initial dose may be followed by 2 additional 8 mg IV/IM doses 4 hr apart. The efficacy of Zofran in highly emetogenic chemotherapy may be enhanced by the addition of a single IV dose of dexamethasone Na phosphate 20 mg administered prior to chemotherapy. To protect against delayed emesis after the 1st 24 hr, continue orally up to 5 days after a course of treatment. Childn Single 5 mg/m2 IV dose immediately before chemotherapy, followed by 4 mg PO 12 hr later. Continue w/ 4 mg bd PO for up to 5 days after a course of treatment. Elderly >65 yr No alteration of oral dose or frequency of administration is required in patients >65 yr. Elderly 65-74 yr The dose schedule for adults can be followed. All IV doses should be diluted in 50-100 mL of saline or other compatible infusion fluid & infused over 15 min, ≥75 yr Initial IV dose should not exceed 8 mg. All IV doses should be diluted in 50-100 mL of saline or other compatible infusion fluid & infuse over 15 min. The initial dose of 8 mg may be followed by 2 further IV doses of 8 mg, infused over 15 min & given no less than 4 hr apart. Post-op nausea & vomiting Adult Prevention: 16 mg PO 1 hr prior to anaesth or single dose of 4 mg IM or slow IV at induction of anaesth. Treatment: Single dose of 4 mg IM or slow IV inj. Childn aged ≥1 mth & adolescent Prevention: 0.1 mg/kg up to a max of 4 mg by slow IV inj either prior to, at or after induction of anaesth. Treatment: 0.1 mg/kg up to a max of 4 mg by slow IV inj. No data on the use of Zofran in the treatment of PONV in childn <2 yr. Patient w/ moderate or severe hepatic impairment Max: 8 mg daily.
May be taken with or without food.
Hypersensitivity. Tab: Concomitant use w/ apomorphine.
Special Precautions
Hypersensitivity to other selective 5HT3 receptor antagonists. QT interval prolongation. Avoid in patients w/ congenital long QT syndrome; caution in patients who may develop QTc prolongation. Correct electrolyte abnormalities (eg, hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia) prior to infusion. Monitor ECG in patients w/ electrolyte abnormalities eg, hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia, CHF, bradyarrhythmias, or patients taking concomitant medications that prolong the QT interval. Serotonin syndrome. Known to increase large bowel transit time; monitor patients w/ signs of subacute intestinal obstruction following administration. Not recommended during pregnancy. Mothers should not breast-feed while receiving Zofran.
Adverse Reactions
Headache. Sensation of warmth or flushing; constipation; local IV inj site reactions.
Drug Interactions
Caution when co-administered w/ drugs that prolong the QT interval &/or cause electrolyte abnormalities. Increased oral clearance & decreased blood conc w/ potent CYP3A4 inducers (eg, phenytoin, carbamazepine, rifampicin). Serotonin syndrome w/ other serotonergic drugs. May reduce analgesic effect of tramadol. Profound hypotension & loss of consciousness w/ apomorphine HCl.
MIMS Class
Antiemetics / Supportive Care Therapy
ATC Classification
A04AA01 - ondansetron ; Belongs to the class of serotonin (5HT3) antagonists. Used for the prevention of nausea and vomiting.
Zofran inj 4 mg/2 mL
10 × 1's
Zofran inj 8 mg/4 mL
8 × 1's
Zofran tab 4 mg
Zofran tab 8 mg
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