Search Result For "vaccines, antisera & immunologicals"
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Indication : Hepatitis B immunoprophylaxis in non-immunised persons including those w/ incomplete or unknown status of vaccination, in haemodialysed patients until vaccination is effective, in the newborn of a HBV...
Manufacturer : CSL Behring
Distributor : Primal
Generic Name : diphtheria toxoid + filamentous haemagglutinin + H , ...more
Indication : Protection against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis & serious diseases caused by H. influenzae type b in childn ≥6 wk of age.
Manufacturer : Sanofi
Distributor : Four Star / Zuellig
Generic Name : haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine
Indication : Active immunisation of all infants from age 6 wk against diseases caused by Hib.
Manufacturer : GlaxoSmithKline
Indication : Replacement therapy in primary immunodeficiency syndromes w/ impaired Ab production; hypogammaglobulinaemia & recurrent bacterial infections in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients, in whom prop...
Manufacturer : CSL Behring
Distributor : Primal
Generic Name : Rabies immunoglobulin
Indication : Passive immunization against rabies after exposure. (To be used in conjunction w/ rabies vaccines.)
Manufacturer : Grifols
Distributor : Luen Cheong Hong
Generic Name : Anti-D Immunoglobulins
Indication : Prevention of Rh haemolytic disease of the newborn by its administration to the Rho (D)-ve mother, w/in 72 hr after birth of her 1st Rho (D)+ve infant or after an abortion.
Manufacturer : Grifols
Distributor : Luen Cheong Hong
Generic Name : Tetanus immunoglobulin
Indication : Prophylaxis against tetanus following injury in patients whose immunization is incomplete or uncertain. Treatment of active cases of tetanus.
Manufacturer : Grifols
Distributor : Luen Cheong Hong
Indication : Replacement therapy: Primary immunodeficiency syndromes; chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, multiple myeloma or after an allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation that lead to hypogammaglobulina...
Manufacturer : Kedrion
Distributor : T-BOMA
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