Search Result For "immunosuppressants"
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Generic Name : Belimumab
Indication : Add-on therapy in adults (IV & SC) & childn ≥5 yr (IV only) w/ active, autoantibody-positive SLE w/ a high degree of disease activity (eg, positive anti-dsDNA & low complement) despite ...
Manufacturer : GlaxoSmithKline
Indication : Acute episodes of hereditary angioedema type I & II (HAE).
Manufacturer : CSL Behring
Distributor : Primal
Generic Name : Everolimus
Indication : Prophylaxis of organ rejection at low to moderate immunological risk receiving renal, hepatic or cardiac transplant. In combination w/ ciclosporin (for microemulsion) & corticosteroids. In combina...
Manufacturer : Novartis
Distributor : DKSH / Four Star
Generic Name : Ciclosporin
Indication : Prevents rejection of transplanted organs in organ transplant, bone marrow & stem cell transplantation. Stops immune reaction in endogenous uveitis, including Behçet's uveitis; atopic derma...
Manufacturer : Teva
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : Certolizumab pegol
Indication : As monotherapy or in combination w/ methotrexate (MTX) for the treatment of moderate to severe, active RA in adult patients when the response to DMARDs including MTX, has been inadequate. In combinati...
Manufacturer : UCB
Generic Name : Secukinumab
Indication : Moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adults, adolescents & childn from the age of 6 yr who are candidates for systemic therapy. Alone or in combination w/ MTX for active psoriatic arthritis in a...
Manufacturer : Novartis
Distributor : Four Star / Zuellig
Generic Name : Vedolizumab
Indication : Moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease in adults who have had an inadequate response w/, lost response to, or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a tumour ne...
Manufacturer : Takeda
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