Search Result For "enteral/nutritional products"
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Generic Name : ascorbic acid + biotin + calcium + carbohydrate + , ...more
Indication : Optifast Nutritional complete meal replacement for wt management. Optifast ProteinPlus Wt management; overwt or obesity; people who are physically active.
Manufacturer : Nestlé
Generic Name : carbohydrates + dietary fibre + potassium + protei , ...more
Indication : Dietary management of people w/ constipation. Bowel management. Digestive health.
Manufacturer : Nestlé
Generic Name : ascorbic acid + biotin + calcium + carbohydrate + , ...more , ascorbic acid + biotin + calcium + carbohydrate + , ...more
Indication : Cancer-specific nutritional supplement for strengthening immune function of cancer patients who receive chemotherapy, RT, surgery, targeted therapy, & immunotherapy; major surgical patients; traum...
Manufacturer : Nestlé
Generic Name : ascorbic acid + biotin + calcium + carbohydrate + , ...more
Indication : Immune-enhancing formula for surgical patient (pre-op &/or post-op) & cancer patients (pre-chemotherapy & intra-chemotherapy or radiotherapy).
Manufacturer : Nestlé
Generic Name : biotin + calcium + carbohydrates + chloride + chol , ...more
Indication : High-nitrogen, isotonic liqd food providing complete, balanced nutrition for oral or tube feeding. Suitable for individuals having difficulty meeting their nutritional requirements through normal diet...
Manufacturer : Abbott
Generic Name : ascorbic acid + biotin + calcium + carbohydrates + , ...more
Indication : PediaSure 1+ Provides complete, balanced nutrition to support catch-up growth (childn 1-3 yr). Suitable for tube feeding. It can help childn w/ acute or chronic medical conditions to achieve or mainta...
Manufacturer : Abbott
Generic Name : ascorbic acid + biotin + calcium + carbohydrate + , ...more
Indication : Peptide-based, nutritionally complete, tube & oral feed for childn 1-10 yr w/ compromised GI function; dual-feeding w/ TPN & long-term tube feeding.
Manufacturer : Nestlé
Generic Name : ascorbic acid + betacarotene + biotin + calcium + , ...more
Indication : Peptide-based, nutritionally complete tube & oral feed for patients w/ compromised GI function; chronic diarrhoea; short bowel syndrome; inflammatory bowel disease; pancreatitis; transition from T...
Manufacturer : Nestlé

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