Search Result For "eye corticosteroids"
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Generic Name : Prednisolone
Indication : Steroid responsive inflammatory conditions of the palpebral & bulbar conjunctiva, cornea, & anterior segment of the globe eg, allergic conjunctivitis, acne rosacea, superficial punctate kerati...
Manufacturer : Cooper
Distributor : SB Pharma
Generic Name : Loteprednol
Indication : Temporary relief of the signs & symptoms of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis.
Manufacturer : Bausch & Lomb
Generic Name : Prednisolone
Indication : Steroid responsive inflammatory conditions of the palpebral & bulbar conjunctiva, cornea, & anterior segment of the globe eg, allergic conjunctivitis, acne rosacea, superficial punctate kerati...
Manufacturer : Novartis
Generic Name : Fluorometholone
Indication : Steroid-responsive, non-infectious inflammations of the palpebral & bulbar conjunctiva, cornea & anterior segment of the eye.
Manufacturer : Novartis
Generic Name : Fluorometholone
Indication : Inflammatory symptoms in external & anterior region of the eyes.
Manufacturer : Santen
Generic Name : Loteprednol
Indication : Steroid-responsive inflammatory conditions of the palpebral & bulbar conjunctiva, cornea & anterior segment of the globe eg, allergic conjunctivitis, acne rosacea, superficial punctate keratit...
Manufacturer : Bausch & Lomb
Generic Name : Dexamethasone
Indication : Treatment of corticosteroid responsive inflammatory conditions of the palpebral & bulbar conjunctiva, cornea & anterior segment of the globe eg, allergic conjunctivitis, keratitis as a consequ...
Manufacturer : Novartis
Generic Name : Prednisolone
Indication : Alleviation of ocular inflammation of non-infectious origin.
Manufacturer : Chauvin
Marketer : Bausch & Lomb
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