Search Result For "topical anti-infectives with corticosteroids"
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Indication : Relief of inflammatory manifestations of hyperkeratotic & dry corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses eg, psoriasis, chronic atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, lichen planus, eczema, dyshidrosis, se...
Manufacturer : Organon
Marketer : DKSH
Indication : Skin infections where co-existing symptoms of inflammation (eg, itching) require rapid relief: All dermatomycoses due to dermatophytes (eg, Trichophyton spp), moulds & other fungi; all dermatomyco...
Manufacturer : Genuone Sciences
Distributor : Yu Chun / SB Pharma
Indication : Inflammatory dermatoses (including atopic eczema, discoid eczema, stasis eczema, seborrhoeic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, lichen simplex chronicus, psoriasis, discoid lupus erythematosus) where bac...
Manufacturer : LEO Pharma
Distributor : DKSH
Indication : Dermatitis, including atopic dermatitis & contact dermatitis, where an infection w/ bacteria sensitive to fusidic acid is suspected or confirmed.
Manufacturer : LEO Pharma
Distributor : DKSH
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