Search Result For "topical anti-infectives with corticosteroids"
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Generic Name : chlorquinaldol + diflucortolone valerate
Indication : Initial & interim treatment of corticoid-responsive dermatoses which are bacterially &/or mycotically infected as long as inflammatory symptoms predominate.
Manufacturer : LEO Pharma
Distributor : DKSH
Generic Name : betamethasone dipropionate + clotrimazole + gentam , ...more
Indication : Relief of the inflammatory manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses when complicated by secondary infection.
Manufacturer : Dongkwang
Indication : Initial or interim treatment of superficial fungal skin infections which are accompanied by highly inflammatory or eczematous skin conditions eg, in the hand region, interdigital spaces of the feet, &...
Manufacturer : LEO Pharma
Distributor : DKSH
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