Search Result For "psoriasis, seborrhea & ichthyosis preparations"
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Generic Name : coal tar + salicylic acid
Indication : Relief of itching & flaking associated w/ dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis & psoriasis of the scalp.
Generic Name : Acitretin
Indication : Severe forms of psoriasis including erythrodermic psoriasis, local or generalized pustular psoriasis. Severe disorders of keratinization eg, congenital ichthyosis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, Darier's d...
Manufacturer : Teva
Generic Name : Ketoconazole
Indication : Treatment & prophylaxis of infections in which the yeast Malassezia (previously called Pityrosporum) is involved eg, pityriasis versicolor (localized), seborrhoeic dermatitis & pityriasis capi...
Manufacturer : Alliance Pharma
Distributor : Hong Wo
Generic Name : coal tar solution + pine tar + salicylic acid
Indication : Psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, seborrhoea (including severe dandruff), eczema, itching scalp.
Manufacturer : Ego
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : Calcitriol
Indication : Mild to moderately severe psoriasis vulgaris.
Manufacturer : Galderma
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