Search Result For "anorectal preparations"
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Generic Name : lidocaine hydrochloride + pentosan polysulphate + , ...more
Indication : Topical antihaemorrhoidal containing corticosteroids for the local treatment of external & internal haemorrhoids.
Manufacturer : Lacer SA
Distributor : CNW
Generic Name : balsam peru + bismuth oxide + bismuth subgallate + , ...more
Indication : Haemorrhoidal & other anorectal conditions.
Manufacturer : Church & Dwight
Generic Name : Diosmin + Hesperidin
Indication : Venous circulation disorders (heavy legs, pain, restless legs) & functional signs related to haemorrhoidal attack.
Manufacturer : Servier
Generic Name : cinchocaine hydrochloride + policresulen
Indication : Hemorrhoids associated w/ inflammatory conditions or bleeding; anal fissures & rhagades; anal pruritus; anal eczema due to anorectal disorders. Wound treatment following proctologic surgery.
Manufacturer : Takeda

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