Search Result For "anticoagulants, antiplatelets & fibrinolytics (thrombolytics)"
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Generic Name : Alteplase
Indication : Thrombolytic treatment in acute MI: 90-min dose regimen for patients in whom treatment can be started w/in 6 hr after symptom onset. 3-hr dose regimen for patients in whom treatment can be started bet...
Manufacturer : Boehringer Ingelheim
Generic Name : Anagrelide
Indication : Treatment of patients w/ thrombocythemia, secondary to myeloproliferative neoplasms, to reduce elevated platelet count & risk of thrombosis & to ameliorate associated symptoms including thromb...
Manufacturer : Takeda
Generic Name : Aspirin
Indication : Prevention of MI in patients w/ unstable angina, myocardial re-infarction, thromboembolic accidents following vascular surgery or other surgical procedures; acute MI; secondary prevention of tran...
Manufacturer : Lab Medinfar
Distributor : CNW

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