Search Result For "cough & cold preparations"
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Generic Name : codeine phosphate + pseudoephedrine + triprolidine , ...more
Indication : Relief of coughs & upper resp symptoms including nasal congestion associated w/ allergy or the common cold.
Manufacturer : Teva
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : Carbocisteine , carbocysteine
Indication : Mucolytic, fluidification in acute & chronic affections of the resp tract.
Manufacturer : Eurodrug
Generic Name : Acetylcysteine
Indication : Acute & chronic resp tract affections w/ abundant mucous secretions.
Manufacturer : Zambon
Indication : Relief of nasal & ocular symptoms of upper resp mucosal congestion eg, in allergic rhinitis.
Manufacturer : PT Ferron
Distributor : Hind Wing
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