Search Result For "antidepressants"
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Generic Name : Sertraline
Indication : Treatment of depression & prevention of recurrence. Social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
Manufacturer : Teva
Distributor : Zuellig
MIMS Class : Antidepressants
Generic Name : Escitalopram
Indication : Major depressive disorders.
Manufacturer : Teva
Distributor : Zuellig
MIMS Class : Antidepressants
Generic Name : Esketamine
Indication : In combination w/ a SSRI or SNRI for adults w/ treatment-resistant major depressive disorder, who have not responded to at least 2 different treatments w/ antidepressants in the current moderate to se...
Manufacturer : Janssen
MIMS Class : Antidepressants
Generic Name : Tianeptine
Indication : Major depressive episodes (ie, typical).
Manufacturer : Servier
MIMS Class : Antidepressants
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