Search Result For "antiparkinsonian drugs"
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Generic Name : Apomorphine
Indication : Treatment of motor fluctuations ('on-off' phenomena) in patients w/ Parkinson's disease which are not sufficiently controlled by oral anti-Parkinson medication.
Manufacturer : Stada
Generic Name : Pramipexole
Indication : Treatment of signs & symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson's disease as early therapy, w/o concomitant levodopa, or as an adjunct to levodopa.
Manufacturer : Apotex
Distributor : Hind Wing
Generic Name : Rasagiline
Indication : Idiopathic Parkinson's disease as monotherapy (w/o levodopa) or as adjunct therapy (w/ levodopa) in patients w/ end of dose fluctuations.
Manufacturer : Lundbeck
Distributor : DKSH / Four Star
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