Search Result For "nootropics & neurotonics/neurotrophics "
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Generic Name : Cerebrolysin
Indication : Cerebral cerebro-organically induced metabolic disorders, in particular Alzheimer-type senile dementia; post apoplectic defunctionalization symptoms; cranio-cerebral traumata (commotio & contusio,...
Manufacturer : Ever Neuro
Generic Name : Mecobalamin
Indication : Peripheral neuropathies.
Manufacturer : Tatsumi Kagaku
Distributor : Main Life
Generic Name : Nimodipine
Indication : Prevention (tab) & treatment (infusion) of ischaemic neurological deficits following aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Manufacturer : Bayer
Generic Name : Piracetam
Indication : Symptomatic improvement of memory & intellectual impairment of a pathological nature in the absence of a diagnosis of dementia. Improvement in childn w/ learning difficulties associated w/ written...
Manufacturer : GlaxoSmithKline

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