Search Result For "intravenous & other sterile solutions"
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Generic Name : Human albumin
Indication : Hypovolemia, cardiopulmonary bypass procedure, acute nephrosis, hypoalbuminemia, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, adult resp distress syndrome. Prevention of central vol...
Manufacturer : Grifols
Marketer : Pharos
Generic Name : calcium + calcium chloride + chloride + lactate + , ...more
Indication : Provision or correction of decreased extracellular &/or interstitial fluid vol. Cal, electrolytes & water supplementation.
Manufacturer : Sanbe
Generic Name : Glucose
Indication : Peripheral infusion to provide cal whenever fluid & caloric replacement are required.
Manufacturer : Sanbe
Generic Name : Glucose
Indication : Nutrient source, increase liver & heart muscle glycogen, hypoglycemia, cerebral edema, collapse osmotic diuretic.
Manufacturer : Sanbe
Marketer : Sanbe
Generic Name : Glucose
Indication : Fluid & caloric replacement. Diluent for IV drip drug.
Manufacturer : Sanbe
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