Search Result For "vitamins & minerals (pre & post natal) / antianemics"
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Generic Name : calcium carbonate + colecalciferol + cyanocobalami , ...more
Indication : Multivit & minerals supplement during pregnancy & lactation that contains DHA for brain's nutrition.
Generic Name : ferric pyrophosphate
Indication : Helps meet Fe requirements in conditions of anemia due to Fe deficiency & treat Fe deficiency anemia.
Generic Name : calcium carbonate + cholecalciferol + folic acid + , ...more
Indication : Anemias of pregnancy & lactation, anemias due to blood loss, pregnancy.
Manufacturer : P&G Health
Generic Name : (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, glucosamine sal , ...more
Indication : Helps meet the needs of active folate in the body, during planning pregnancy, pregnancy & preventing fetal defects. Effective in lowering & normalizing homocysteine blood levels & CKD supp...
Manufacturer : Simex

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