Search Result For "anorectal preparations"
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Generic Name : benzyl benzoate + peruvian balsam + zinc oxide , balsam peru + benzyl benzoate + zinc oxide
Indication : Oint: Relief of itching, burning, soreness of hemorrhoids, minor rectal inflammations & irritations. Supp: Uncomplicated haemorrhoids, simple anorectal inflammation & irritation caused by or a...
Manufacturer : Y.S.P. Industries
Distributor : Y.S.P. Industries
Generic Name : Diosmin + Hesperidin
Indication : Symptomatic treatment related to venolymphatic insufficiency (eg, heavy legs, pain, early morning restless leg) & acute hemorrhoidal attack.
Manufacturer : Aeva
Distributor : Apex
Generic Name : Diosmin + Hesperidin
Indication : Symptomatic treatment related to venolymphatic insufficiency (heavy legs, pain, early morning restless legs) & acute hemorrhoidal attack.
Manufacturer : Servier
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : Diosmin + Hesperidin
Indication : Symptomatic treatment related to venolymphatic insufficiency (heavy legs, pain, early morning restless legs) & acute hemorrhoidal attack.
Manufacturer : Stellapharm
Distributor : Stadpharm

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