Search Result For "dyslipidaemic agents"
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Generic Name : Gemfibrozil
Indication : Hyperlipidaemia.
Manufacturer : Y.S.P. Industries
Distributor : Y.S.P. Industries
Generic Name : Amlodipine + Atorvastatin
Indication : Patients for whom treatment w/ both amlodipine & atorvastatin is considered appropriate: Amlodipine component 1st-line treatment of HTN & myocardial ischemia whether due to fixed obstruction (...
Manufacturer : Viatris
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : fenofibrate + simvastatin
Indication : Adjunctive therapy to diet & exercise in high CV risk adult patients w/ mixed dyslipidaemia to reduce triglycerides & increase HDL-C levels when LDL-C levels are adequately controlled w/ corre...
Manufacturer : Abbott
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : Rosuvastatin
Indication : Reduction of elevated total-C, LDL-C, Apo B, total-C: HDL-C ratio & triglycerides & increasing HDL-C in hyperlipidemic & dyslipidemic conditions. Reduction of total mortality & risk of...
Manufacturer : AstraZeneca
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : colecalciferol + fish oil + omega-3-triglycerides
Indication : Adjuvant therapy in hypertriglyceridemia & post MI. Management of immune system, inflammatory response, joint, brain & eye health. Dietary supplement.
Manufacturer : Medipharm
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma

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