Search Result For "antiglaucoma preparations"
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Generic Name : Travoprost
Indication : Raised IOP in open-angle glaucoma; ocular HTN.
Manufacturer : Aristopharma
Distributor : KTZ
Generic Name : Brimonidine + Timolol
Indication : Reduction of elevated IOP in patients w/ glaucoma or ocular HTN.
Manufacturer : Aristopharma
Distributor : KTZ
Generic Name : Dorzolamide
Indication : To lower raised pressure in the eye & treat glaucoma as monotherapy or in addition to other medicines which lower pressure in the eye eg, β-blockers.
Manufacturer : Rafarm
Distributor : Maxxcare
Generic Name : Dorzolamide + Timolol
Indication : To lower raised pressure in the eye in the treatment of glaucoma.
Manufacturer : Rafarm
Distributor : Maxxcare
Generic Name : Latanoprost + Timolol
Indication : To reduce pressure in the eye in open-angle glaucoma or ocular HTN.
Manufacturer : Rafarm
Distributor : Maxxcare
Generic Name : Latanoprost
Indication : Open-angle glaucoma & ocular HTN. Increased eye pressure & glaucoma in childn.
Manufacturer : Rafarm
Distributor : Maxxcare
Generic Name : Dorzolamide + Timolol
Indication : Elevated IOP in patients w/ open angle glaucoma or ocular HTN who are insufficiently responsive to topical β-blockers.
Manufacturer : Aristopharma
Distributor : KTZ

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