Search Result For "vitamin b-complex / with c"
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Generic Name : vitamin B1 + vitamin B12 + vitamin B6
Indication : Vit B1, B6 & B12 deficiency leading to mono- & polyneuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, dementia, beriberi. Alcoholic polyneuropathy & Wernicke's encephalopa...
Manufacturer : CCL Pharma
Distributor : Manawhari
Generic Name : Mecobalamin
Indication : Helps prevent & treat vit B12 deficiency & improve general well-being.
Manufacturer : Zifam Pinnacle
Distributor : Pinnacle House
Generic Name : cyanocobalamin + pyridoxine hydrochloride + thiami , ...more
Manufacturer : Healthcare Pharma
Distributor : San Lwin Trading
Generic Name : cyanocobalamin + pyridoxine hydrochloride + thiami , ...more
Indication : Dysfunction of CNS: Trigeminal & intercostal neuralgia, ischialgia, polyneuritis, diabetic neuropathy, myelitis, herpes zoster, pregnancy-associated neuritis, optical neuritis, peripheral facial n...
Manufacturer : Pharos
Distributor : AA Medical

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