Invega Trinza

Invega Trinza





Johnson & Johnson
Concise Prescribing Info
Paliperidone palmitate
3-mth inj for schizophrenia in adults who have been adequately treated w/ the 1-mth paliperidone palmitate inj for at least 4 mth.
Dosage/Direction for Use
IM Use only after the 1-mth paliperidone palmitate inj has been established as adequate treatment for at least 4 mth. To establish a consistent maintenance dose, the last 2 doses of the 1-mth paliperidone palmitate inj be the same dosage strength before starting Invega Trinza. Initiate Invega Trinza when the next 1-mth paliperidone palmitate dose is scheduled w/ an Invega Trinza dose based on the previous 1-mth inj using 3.5 as a multiplier (eg, if last dose is 50 mg, initiate Invega Trinza at 175-mg dose; if last dose is 75 mg, initiate Invega Trinza at 263-mg dose; if last dose is 100 mg, initiate Invega Trinza at 350-mg dose; if last dose is 150 mg, initiate Invega Trinza at 525-mg dose). Following the initial Invega Trinza dose, Invega Trinza should be administered every 3 mth. If needed, dose adjustment can be made every 3 mth in increments w/in the range of 175-525 mg based on individual patient tolerability &/or efficacy. Re-initiation regimen after missing >4 mth up to 9 mth of Invega Trinza Last Invega Trinza dose: 175 mg: paliperidone palmitate 1-mth inj into deltoid muscle 2 doses (50 mg in day 1 & 8) 1 wk apart then Invega Trinza 175 mg into deltoid or gluteal muscle 1 mth after day 8; 263 mg: paliperidone palmitate 1-mth inj into deltoid muscle 2 doses (75 mg in day 1 & 8) 1 wk apart then Invega Trinza 263 mg into deltoid or gluteal muscle 1 mth after day 8; 350 mg: paliperidone palmitate 1-mth inj into deltoid muscle 2 doses (100 mg in day 1 & 8) 1 wk apart then Invega Trinza 350 mg into deltoid or gluteal muscle 1 mth after day 8; 525 mg: paliperidone palmitate 1-mth inj into deltoid muscle 2 doses (100 mg in day 1 & 8) 1 wk apart then Invega Trinza 525 mg into deltoid or gluteal muscle 1 mth after day 8. Mild renal impairment (CrCl ≥50-<80 mL/min) Transition to Invega Trinza is w/ a dose in a 3.5 to 1 ratio to the previous stabilized 1-mth paliperidone palmitate inj. Max: 350 mg.
Hypersensitivity to paliperidone or risperidone.
Special Precautions
Discontinue use if hypersensitivity reactions occur; signs or symptoms of NMS or tardive dyskinesia develop. Not to be inj in divided doses, intravascularly or SC. Patients w/ history of cardiac arrhythmias, congenital long QT syndrome; known CV & cerebrovascular disease or conditions predisposing to hypotension; history of seizures or other conditions potentially lowering seizure threshold; history of clinically significant low WBC or drug-induced leukopenia/neutropenia; risk factors for VTE; Parkinson's disease & dementia w/ Lewy bodies. Hyperglycemia, DM & exacerbation of preexisting diabetes; wt gain; priapism; disruption of the body's ability to reduce core temp; antiemetic effect; intraoperative floppy iris syndrome. Concomitant use w/ psychostimulants eg, methylphenidate; drugs prolonging QT interval. May interfere w/ activities requiring mental alertness (eg, driving or operating machinery) & may have visual effects. Not recommended in moderate or severe renal impairment (CrCl <50 mL/min). Severe hepatic impairment. Pregnancy. Not to be used during lactation. Childn <18 yr. Elderly w/ dementia.
Adverse Reactions
Upper resp tract infection, UTI; hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, increased wt; anxiety; akathisia, dyskinesia, dystonia, headache, Parkinsonism, somnolence; tachycardia; orthostatic hypotension; nausea, vomiting; amenorrhea, galactorrhea; inj site reaction.
Drug Interactions
Concomitant use w/ drugs prolonging QT interval; other centrally-acting drugs & alcohol; risperidone or oral paliperidone. May antagonize effect of levodopa & other dopamine agonists. Additive effect to other therapeutic agents w/ potential to induce orthostatic hypotension. Decreased mean steady-state Cmax & AUC w/ carbamazepine. Emergence of extrapyramidal symptoms w/ psychostimulants eg, methylphenidate.
MIMS Class
ATC Classification
N05AX13 - paliperidone ; Belongs to the class of other antipsychotics.
Invega Trinza PR susp for inj 175
Invega Trinza PR susp for inj 263 mg
Invega Trinza PR susp for inj 350 mg
Invega Trinza PR susp for inj 525 mg
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