Search Result For "ophthalmic lubricants"
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Generic Name : adenosine triphosphate + hypromellose
Indication : Artificial tears & eye lubricant.
Manufacturer : EL Lab
Distributor : Celsus
Generic Name : Diquafosol
Indication : Dry eye.
Manufacturer : Santen
Distributor : Santen
Generic Name : Boric acid
Indication : Intended to gently relieve itchiness & wash away irritants. May also be used to soothe eyes after removal of contact lenses.
Manufacturer : Pharma Health Care
Generic Name : Hypromellose
Indication : Lubricant to gently soothe; ease eye strain.
Generic Name : dextran 70 + hypromellose
Indication : Topical artificial tear treatment for both mucin-deficient & aqueous-deficient dry eye conditions.
Manufacturer : Euro-Med
Distributor : Euro-Med
Generic Name : Sodium hyaluronate
Indication : Moistens & lubricates the eye in case of dryness sensations or ocular fatigue induced by external factors. For lubrication & hydration of the lens for contact lens wearers; provides immediate ...
Manufacturer : Excelvision
Distributor : Stada

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