Search Result For "antacids, antireflux agents & antiulcerants"
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Generic Name : Omeprazole
Indication : Reflux esophagitis, acid-PUD, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Adjunctive in duodenal ulcers associated w/ H. pylori combined w/ appropriate antibiotics. Prophylaxis of acid aspiration before surgery. Prev...
Manufacturer : Biopharma
Distributor : Starpharm
Marketer : JF Draf
Generic Name : calcium carbonate + famotidine + magnesium hydroxi , ...more
Indication : Short-term symptomatic relief of heartburn or non-ulcer dyspepsia. Relief of hyperacidity & as a daily source of extra Ca.
Manufacturer : Medhaus
Distributor : Medhaus
Generic Name : Omeprazole
Indication : Conditions where inhibition of gastric acid secretion may be beneficial including aspiration syndromes, dyspepsia, erosive esophagitis, GERD, duodenal & benign gastric ulcer & hypersecretory c...
Manufacturer : Hizon
Generic Name : calcium carbonate + sodium alginate + sodium bicar , ...more
Indication : Symptoms of GERD eg, acid regurgitation, heartburn due to reflux of stomach content.
Manufacturer : Reckitt Benckiser
Distributor : Reckitt Benckiser

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