Search Result For "antispasmodics"
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Generic Name : hyoscine-N-butylbromide + paracetamol
Indication : Relief from pain of stronger abdominal cramps including menstrual cramps & urinary tract spasm.
Manufacturer : Opella Healthcare
Distributor : Opella Healthcare
MIMS Class : Antispasmodics
Generic Name : hyoscine-N-butylbromide + paracetamol
Indication : Relief from pain of stronger abdominal cramps including menstrual cramps & urinary tract spasm.
Manufacturer : Opella Healthcare
Distributor : Opella Healthcare
Generic Name : Dicycloverine
Indication : GI spasm particularly that associated w/ the irritable bowel movement syndrome. Adjunct in the treatment of peptic (gastric or duodenal ulcer).
Manufacturer : Medhaus
Distributor : Medhaus
MIMS Class : Antispasmodics
Generic Name : Hyoscine
Indication : Used to relieve pain of smooth muscle spasm associated w/ GIT. Also as an adjunct in the treatment of PUD.
Manufacturer : Tai Yu
Distributor : Endure Medical
MIMS Class : Antispasmodics

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