Search Result For "diuretics"
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Generic Name : Furosemide
Indication : Oedema associated w/ heart failure, pulmonary oedema, & w/ renal & hepatic disorders. Patients unresponsive to thiazide diuretics & management of oliguria due to renal failure or insuffici...
Manufacturer : Bell-Kenz Pharma
Distributor : Bell-Kenz Pharma
MIMS Class : Diuretics
Indication : HTN for patients in whom combination therapy is appropriate.
Manufacturer : ACME
Distributor : Bell-Kenz Pharma
Marketer : Euro Generics
MIMS Class : Diuretics
Indication : Management of HTN inadequately controlled by individual components, losartan or hydrochlorothiazide alone.
Manufacturer : Zydus Healthcare
Distributor : Zydus Healthcare
Indication : HTN for patients in whom combination therapy is appropriate.
Manufacturer : RiteMED
Distributor : United Lab

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