Search Result For "peripheral vasodilators & cerebral activators"
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Generic Name : Nimodipine
Indication : Prophylaxis & treatment of ischemic neurological deficits due to cerebral vasospasms after subarachnoid hemorrhage of aneurysmal origin.
Manufacturer : Bayer
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : Isoxsuprine
Indication : Used to arrest premature labor. Treatment & management of cerebral & peripheral vascular disorders.
Manufacturer : Lloyd
Distributor : Solvang
Generic Name : Citicoline
Indication : Cerebrovascular diseases in acute & recovery phase, symptoms & signs of cerebral insufficiency eg, dizziness, memory loss, poor concentration, disorientation; recent cranial trauma & their...
Manufacturer : Patriot
Distributor : Patriot
Generic Name : Ginkgo biloba
Indication : Disturbances in cerebral performance (decreasing intellectual capacity & vigilance) w/ the following symptoms: Dizziness, tinnitus, headache, deficient memory & emotional instability w/ anxiet...
Manufacturer : Schwabe Pharma
Distributor : Zuellig
Marketer : A. Menarini
Generic Name : Ginkgo biloba
Indication : Disturbances in cerebral performance (decreasing intellectual capacity & vigilance) w/ dizziness, tinnitus, headache, deficient memory & emotional instability w/ anxiety. Supporting treatment ...
Manufacturer : Schwabe Pharma
Distributor : Zuellig
Marketer : A. Menarini
Generic Name : Cinnarizine
Indication : Treatment of nausea & vertigo caused by Meniere's disease, other labyrinth disorders or motion sickness. Management of peripheral & cerebral vascular disorders.
Manufacturer : Yu Sheng
Distributor : Littman

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