Search Result For "vitamin c"
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Generic Name : vitamin B1 + vitamin B12 + vitamin B2 + vitamin B6 , ...more
Indication : Daily supplement for physical & mental fatigues eg, stress, exhaustion, tiredness. Relief of physical symptoms eg, neuralgia, arthralgia, lumbago, shoulder pains. Prevention & treatment of per...
Manufacturer : Ildong Pharm
Distributor : Vizcarra Pharma
Generic Name : vitamin B1 + vitamin B12 + vitamin B6 + vitamin E
Indication : Prevention & treatment of vit B complex & E deficiencies.
Manufacturer : Lloyd
Distributor : Littman
Generic Name : biotin + calcium + calcium pantothenate + folic ac , ...more
Indication : For deficiency & increased requirement of vit C, B & Zn. Most water-soluble vit of B-complex & vit C are not stored by the body adequately: These are needed during extensive physical exerc...
Manufacturer : Bayer
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : buclizine hydrochloride + niacinamide + vitamin A , ...more
Indication : To stimulate appetite & enhance wt gain. Nutritional support during growth & development. To prevent metabolic & nutritional deficiencies due to malabsorption, restricted dietary intake, p...
Manufacturer : Terramedic
Distributor : Metro Drug

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