Search Result For "vitamin c"
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Generic Name : calcium + vitamin D3
Indication : Prevent or treat low blood Ca levels (hypocalcemia); bone loss (osteoporosis), weak bones (osteomalacia/rickets), decreased activity of parathyroid gland (hypoparathyroidism) & certain muscle dise...
Manufacturer : MPSI
Distributor : MPSI
Generic Name : calcium + cod liver oil + colecalciferol + cyanoco , ...more
Indication : Food supplement.
Manufacturer : Prosweal Healthcare
Distributor : Prosweal Healthcare
Generic Name : calcium carbonate + vitamin D
Indication : Vit & mineral supplement before, during & after pregnancy. Prevention of osteoporosis.
Manufacturer : Robinson Pharma
Distributor : Multicare
Generic Name : ascorbic acid + cyanocobalamin + folic acid + nico , ...more
Indication : Strengthens immune system; antioxidant; helps in collagen synthesis; in wound healing & regeneration process; co-factor in Fe metabolism which enhances absorption of Fe; required for normal develo...
Manufacturer : Abbott
Distributor : Abbott
Generic Name : ascorbic acid + colecalciferol + cyanocobalamin + , ...more , ascorbic acid + calcium pantothenate + chlorella g , ...more
Indication : Syr: Prevention & treatment of vit & mineral deficiencies. Growth maximizer. Oral drops: Food supplement.
Manufacturer : Remed
Distributor : Cathay YSS
Generic Name : vitamin B1 + vitamin B12 + vitamin B6
Indication : All manifestations responsive to the neurotropic, analgesic & detoxifying effects of vit B1, B6 & B12.
Manufacturer : Terramedic
Distributor : Metro Drug

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