Search Result For "antiasthmatic & copd preparations"
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Generic Name : Montelukast
Indication : Management of chronic asthma, allergic rhinitis. Prophylaxis for exercise-induced asthma.
Manufacturer : XL Lab
Distributor : Medlink Pharma
Marketer : Ambica
Generic Name : Aminophylline
Indication : Symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma, bronchitis, bronchospasm & status asthmaticus. Relieve periodic apnea. Adjunct in treatment of pulmonary edema & paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea caused ...
Manufacturer : Atlantic Lab
Distributor : Phil Pharmawealth
Generic Name : Salbutamol
Indication : Relief of bronchospasm associated w/ reversible obstructive airway diseases eg, bronchial asthma & COPD. Prevention of exercise-induced bronchospasm if given before exertion.
Manufacturer : Multicare
Distributor : Zuellig
Indication : Pulmodual Reversible airways obstruction eg, asthma & COPD for patients in need of more than a single bronchodilator or who require 2nd bronchodilator. Pulmodual MDI Relief & prevention of ast...
Manufacturer : Cathay Drug
Distributor : Cathay Drug

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