Search Result For "hyperuricemia & gout preparations"
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Generic Name : Febuxostat
Indication : Chronic hyperuricaemia in conditions where urate deposition has already occurred (including history or presence of tophus &/or gouty arthritis).
Distributor : Labmate Pharma
Generic Name : Febuxostat
Indication : Chronic hyperuricaemia in conditions where urate deposition occurred (including history, or presence of, tophus &/or gouty arthritis).
Manufacturer : Stallion Labs
Distributor : Ambicare
Marketer : Sandoz
Generic Name : Allopurinol
Indication : Management of signs & symptoms of primary & secondary gout (recurrent acute attacks, arthropathy, tophi, radiographic changes of gout, or associated uric acid nephrolithiasis); patients w/ leu...
Manufacturer : Therapharma
Distributor : United Lab
Generic Name : Allopurinol
Indication : Primary or secondary hyperuricemia, uric acid nephropathy. Adjuvant treatment of gout; recurrent uric stone formation. Prophylaxis to prevent tissue deposition, renal calculi or uric acid nephropathy ...
Manufacturer : Drugmaker's Lab
Distributor : Littman
Generic Name : Allopurinol
Manufacturer : UNILAB, Inc
Distributor : United Lab

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