Search Result For "antacids, antireflux agents & antiulcerants"
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Generic Name : Esomeprazole
Indication : Erosive reflux esophagitis; long-term management of patients w/ healed esophagitis to prevent relapse; symptomatic treatment of GERD. Healing of gastric ulcers associated w/ NSAIDs therapy. Prevention...
Manufacturer : AstraZeneca
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : Esomeprazole
Indication : Nexonav PUD & other conditions where inhibition of gastric acid secretion may be beneficial including aspiration syndrome, healing of erosive esophagitis, dyspepsia, GERD & Zollinger-Ellison s...
Manufacturer : D & G Pharma
Distributor : D & G Pharma
Generic Name : Esomeprazole
Indication : PUD & NSAID-associated ulceration, GERD & Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Manufacturer : Saga Lifesciences
Distributor : Hexagon Pharma
Generic Name : Esomeprazole
Indication : Tab: GERD, patients requiring continued NSAID therapy. In combination w/ appropriate antibacterial therapeutic regimens for the eradication of H. pylori. Inj: PUD, NSAID associated ulceration, GERD &a...
Manufacturer : Torrent
Distributor : Torrent
Generic Name : Omeprazole , Pantoprazole
Indication : Conditions where inhibition of gastric acid secretion may be beneficial, including aspiration syndromes, dyspepsia, GERD, PUD & Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Manufacturer : Nutramedica
Distributor : Nutramedica

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