Search Result For "antiasthmatic & copd preparations"
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Generic Name : Montelukast
Indication : Prophylaxis & chronic treatment of asthma & symptomatic relief of seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Manufacturer : Getz Pharma
Distributor : Getz Bros
Indication : Adjunct treatment to anti-inflammatory therapy & bronchodilators in asthma to prevent exacerbations. Maintenance treatment of COPD including chronic bronchitis & emphysema.
Manufacturer : Multicare
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : Budesonide + Formoterol
Indication : Regular treatment of asthma in adults & adolescents 12-17 yr where use of a combination (inhaled corticosteroid & long-acting β2-adrenoceptor agonist) is appropriate. Patients ...
Manufacturer : Laboratorios Liconsa
Distributor : Multicare
Generic Name : Theophylline
Indication : Relief & prophylaxis of reversible bronchospasm associated w/ bronchial asthma, bronchitis, emphysema & related conditions.
Manufacturer : iNova
Distributor : iNova
Generic Name : Salbutamol
Indication : Management of reversible airway obstruction, as in asthma & some patients w/ COPD.
Manufacturer : Legency Remedies
Distributor : Suhitas
Generic Name : bromhexine hydrochloride + guaifenesin + salbutamo , ...more
Indication : Bronchial asthma, emphysema, atelectasis, acute & chronic bronchitis, pulmonary TB, whooping cough, pneumonia & other broncho-spastic conditions. Pecof SF bronchiectasis.
Manufacturer : Glenmark
Distributor : Glenmark
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