Search Result For "anticonvulsants"
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Generic Name : Valproic acid
Indication : Sole & adjunctive therapy in the treatment of simple & complex absence seizures & adjunctively in multiple seizure types including absence seizures in adults & childn ≥10 yr.
Manufacturer : Abbott
Distributor : Abbott
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants
Generic Name : Valproic acid
Indication : Monotherapy & adjunctive therapy in the treatment of complex partial seizures that occur either in isolation or in association w/ other types of seizures in adults & childn ≥10 yr. Sole &am...
Manufacturer : Abbott
Distributor : Abbott
Generic Name : Phenytoin , phenytoin sodium
Indication : Control of generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal) & complex partial (psychomotor, temporal lobe) seizures. Prevention & treatment of seizures occurring during or following neurosurgery.
Manufacturer : Pfizer USA
Distributor : Viatris
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants
Generic Name : Levetiracetam
Indication : Monotherapy in the treatment of partial onset seizures w/ or w/o secondary generalisation in adult & adolescent from 16 yr w/ newly diagnosed epilepsy. Adjunctive therapy in the treatment of parti...
Manufacturer : Sandoz
Distributor : Sandoz
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants
Generic Name : Levetiracetam
Indication : Adjunct in partial seizures w/ or w/o secondary generalizations, myoclonic seizures, & primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
Manufacturer : Unosource Pharma
Distributor : Diafarm
Marketer : Sandoz
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants
Generic Name : Magnesium sulfate
Indication : Acute hypomagnesemia accompanied by signs of tetany. Control of HTN, encephalopathy & convulsions. Prevention & control of convulsions in patients w/ preeclampsia or eclampsia. Prevention of h...
Manufacturer : EL Lab
Distributor : Elin
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants

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