Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy | CIMS

This Privacy Policy explains the method for collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information by MIMS Pte. Ltd and its related companies (collectively, "MIMS") when you use the, MIMS app, software (if any), and services ("Services"), purpose of use of such personal information, and method for handling of such personal information.
MIMS recognize the importance of protecting the personal information collected from you in the operation of this Site, and take reasonable steps to maintain the security, integrity and privacy of any personal information collected in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
1. Personal information collected by MIMS, and purpose and reason of such collection of personal information
MIMS will collect/use the following personal information collected from you mainly for the following purposes. In all cases where personal information is collected, there may be cases where personal information is collected and used for creating statistical materials in a manner that individuals cannot be identified, unless stated otherwise in Terms of Use prescribed by MIMS.
(Purpose of use)
  • To operate, improve, personalize the Site and Services provided;
  • Communicate with you regarding User Account and Site updates;
  • Provision of Services and information related to the Site;
  • To send you more relevant educational content and marketing/advertising information from MIMS or on behalf of MIMS partners;
  • Development and research of new services;
  • Provision of notification relating to questionnaires, events and the like to users and provision of information to users via emails;
  • Coordination with third party institutions (Ministry of Health, and the like);
  • For system administration and to report aggregated statistical information about browsing patterns and actions which do not identify any individual;
  • To administer the Site and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes.
Please be assured that the personal information collected, used or disclosed for these purposes; MIMS will protect it as required under the relevant Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant legislation. In the event a data intermediary is used, the personal information disclosed to them is held with the same security and confidentiality measures and protocols that MIMS have.
2. Information to be collected
Personal information and information related to Users' Accounts: MIMS will collect your personal information related your accounts with MIMS, such as the name (first and surname), email address, other professional information, e.g. Specialty and profession, phone number (including mobile), address, job title and other information necessary to register as a User on the Site. MIMS may also collect any generated content that you may upload to the Site ("User-Generated Content" or "UGC") and other personal information required for MIMS Point and MIMS campaign when MIMS needs to deliver the prize/rewards to you.

Third Party Interactive Features: You may participate in Services on the Site where MIMS partner with third party, for example, Continuous Medical Education ("CME"). Additional personal information may be required in order for MIMS to provide such Services to you.

Advertisers: MIMS do not control the practices of the advertisers on their sites. When you click on links and/or ad banners that take you away from our Sites to third-party websites, you will be subject to that party's privacy policies.

Information related to the status of use: MIMS will collect information related to the devices you use for accessing the Site and/or Service as well as information from such devices. This includes IP address, type of browser and device, web pages that you visited prior to accessing MIMS's site, and personal identification information related to the devices being used. Furthermore, there may be cases where the devices being used (depending on the setting) may transmit position information to the Site.

Information related to Cookies and other technologies: MIMS is providing, improving and protecting the Site by using Cookies and other technologies. For example, by using Cookies, it will be possible to store the User Name on your subsequent access or understand the usage status of the Service. MIMS is exerting efforts to improve the Service based on such information. While you may refuse the use of Cookies based on your browser setting, your use of the Site may be restricted in certain cases.
3. Parties with whom MIMS may share/disclose personal information
MIMS may in certain cases share/disclose personal information with others as described below.

Third parties in partnership or contractual relationship with MIMS: MIMS has partnered and concluded contracts with third parties for attaining the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. There may be cases where personal information acquired through the Site is shared with such third parties.
If you are a healthcare professional, we may request that a third party validate your licensure status and other information against available databases of healthcare professional. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, we may provide these companies and individuals with personal information about you so that they can fulfill their responsibilities to us, however, we do require that they agree to limit their use of this personal information and agree to comply with all relevant personal data protection regulations to the fulfillment of these responsibilities.

Advertisers: When you are exposed to an advertisement through the Services, MIMS may provide your personal information (such as name, specialty, and country of residence) and information about your engagement with the Services (e.g., whether you viewed, interacted with or requested information about promotional content) to advertisers and their agents or potential advertisers and their agents. Additionally, when you become a registered users of the Services, we may provide your personal information to potential advertisers and their agents.
We will NEVER provide these Advertisers with your personal contact information such as email, phone number or mailing address without your consent.

MIMS Survey: Generally, these surveys provide specific feedback using aggregated, de-identified data to third parties used to analyze trends and statistics for medical marketing, research, and development purposes, and neither your identity nor your specific feedback is shared with third parties. However, under the following circumstances, your identity may be shared with third parties and/or associated with specific feedback: (i) when we have your permission, (ii) when we match user information with such third party's data, and (iii) when we believe in good faith that the law requires it. In all circumstances, the privacy of our User is protected, and if such sharing is permitted or required, your answers and identity will remain confidential.

MIMS Career: When you register for MIMS Career, you may require to provides phone number and your resume in order to allow MIMS, employers or recruiter to contact you for any potential job offering. You will be required to agree on MIMS Career privacy policy in order to use this services.

CME: To understand your engagement in a sponsored module that you have enrolled in, we may share the personal information that you have provided under this Service, such as name, email, workplace address, license registration number, and module completion status with the respective company(ies) in the healthcare industry that we have partnered with for the specific sponsored module. Your personal information may also be disclosed to the respective medical associations for accreditation and record purposes. You may choose not to enrol in this Service if you do not accept this sharing and disclosure of your personal information.

MIMS's affiliates: There may be cases where personal information acquired through is shared with MIMS's affiliates for attaining the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. Furthermore, if MIMS is involved in corporate reorganization, merger, acquisition, asset sales or the like, there may be cases where information acquired through is transferred or shared as a part of such involvement.

4. Possibility of disclosure of information
MIMS may disclose your personal information to a third party (a) when it is necessary to observe laws and ordinances, (b) when it is necessary to protect a person from death or serious bodily injury, (c) when it is necessary to prevent acts of fraud or abuse against MIMS or Users, (d) when it is necessary to protect the ownership of MIMS (e) when an order is issued by the government or court, (f) when it is necessary to improve public health and promote the sound growth of children, (g) when the information is used as statistical information in which personal information cannot be identified, (h) when the consent of users has been obtained, or (i) when MIMS otherwise determines that the disclosure of information is reasonably necessary.
5. Transfer of personal information overseas
Your personal information may be disclosed or transferred to relevant third parties (within or outside of your country that may not provide the same level of data protection as your home country) as required under law, pursuant to relevant contractual relationship (for example, where MIMS appoint third party service providers) or for the purposes stated in Section 3 and Section 4 above (or directly related to those purposes). Therefore, by using this Site, and providing MIMS with any personal information, you consent to the transfer of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
6. Management method of your personal information
MIMS will take necessary and appropriate measures to safely protect your personal information. Furthermore, MIMS will continuously exert efforts to develop functions to safely maintain your personal information; provided, however, that MIMS does not warrant complete security, and will not be liable in any way for any damage caused by the vulnerability of security.
7. Access, Retention and deletion of personal information
To the extent necessary for achieving the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, MIMS will retain your personal information in the Services. If you delete your account and requests the deletion of your personal information, MIMS will delete your personal information. However, in the foregoing case, please take note of the following points: (1) it may take some time to delete your personal information from the MIMS server and its backup storage; (2) MIMS may in certain cases retain your personal information due to legal obligations, for dispute resolution, or upon enforcement of the written consent regarding MIMS; and (3) MIMS may anonymize personal information and permanently retain the same for the purpose of research, and the like. If you wish to verify the personal information you have submitted to MIMS or if you wish to check on the manner in which MIMS uses and processes your personal information, MIMS's security procedures mean that MIMS may request proof of identity before we reveal information. This proof of identity will take the form of full details of name and NRIC, Passport or FIN number. You must therefore keep this information safe as you will be responsible for any action which MIMS takes in response to a request from someone using your personal information.
8. Contacting you
To the extent that any of the communication means which you have provided MIMS (which may include, your telephone number and fax number) is/will be listed on the Do Not Call Registry (the "DNC") or similar regulations in your home country, by agreeing to this Privacy Policy through your acceptance of MIMS Terms of Use, or by any other means of indication, you hereby grant MIMS your clear and unambiguous consent to contact you using all of your communication means you have provided to MIMS including using via voice calls, SMS, Whatsapp, MMS, fax or other similar communications applications or methods, for the purposes as stated above in Section 3 and Section 4. This will ensure your continued enjoyment of MIMS Services.
9. Amendment to this Privacy Policy
Except to the extent limited by applicable law, this Privacy Policy may be amended or revised at any time, and by prominently posting notice of the amendment on the Site. The amendment of this Privacy Policy shall come into force at the time that the amended Privacy Policy is displayed on the Site.
10. Inquiries
If you wish MIMS to correct, amend or delete your information acquired by MIMS, or if you have any inquiries or concerns concerning MIMS, the Site, Services or privacy, please send your message to
11. Grievance Officer
In accordance with the relevant Personal Data Protection Act and rules made there under, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:
Name: Masaki Takahata
CIMS Medica India Pvt. Ltd.
Margosa Building, #02, 13th Cross
Margosa Road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560 003
IndiaPhone: (0)1143124600
12. Governing Law
This Privacy Policy shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore, without regard to choice of law principles.
Updates on 4 January 2022