

Basic Prescribing Info
Per 100 mL protein 3.3 g, fat (linolenic acid 336 mg, α-linolenic acid 48 mg, DHA 6.8 mg) 2 g, carbohydrate 7.4 g, dietary fibre (inulin) 0.4 g, lecithin 0.03 g, Ca 134 mg, phosphorus 111 mg, Fe 1.5 mg, copper 42 mcg, Na 41 mcg, K 140 mg, Cl 84 mg, Mg 14 mg, Zn 0.9 mg, iodine 12 mcg, manganese 150 mcg, vit A (retinoyl 56 mcg-RE, β-carotene 45 mcg, mixed carotenes 30 mcg), vit D 1.2 mcg, vit E 1.4 mcg, vit K1 3.3 mcg, vit B1 109 mcg, vit B2 144 mcg, niacin 1.4 mg-NE, vit B6 158 mcg, folic acid 7.5 mcg, pantothenic acid 465 mcg, vit B12 0.4 mcg, biotin 3.2 mcg, vit C 17.3 mg, taurine 6 mg, choline 11.3 mg. Energy: 68 kCal
MIMS Class
Enteral/Nutritional Products
ATC Classification
V06DA - Carbohydrates/proteins/minerals/vitamins, combinations ; Used as general nutrients.
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