Search Result For "ophthalmic lubricants"
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Generic Name : Sodium hyaluronate
Indication : Relief of symptoms associated w/ dry eyes.
Manufacturer : Santen
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : Sodium hyaluronate
Indication : Relief of symptoms associated w/ dry eyes.
Manufacturer : Santen
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : ectoine + hyaluronic acid
Indication : Treatment & prevention of symptoms of dry & irritated eyes.
Manufacturer : Pharma Stulin GmbH
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Marketer : Santen
Generic Name : Sodium hyaluronate
Indication : To improve lubrication of the eyes that are dry, burning or have foreign body sensations due to environmental conditions as well as after ophthalmosurgical interventions.
Manufacturer : Ursapharm
Distributor : Pharmaforte
Generic Name : ectoine + sodium hyaluronate
Indication : Moisturizes cornea & conjunctiva & protects against excessive evaporation of tears; stabilizes the tear film & reduces inflammatory & allergic symptoms eg, itching & burning.
Manufacturer : Ursapharm
Distributor : Pharmaforte
Generic Name : ectoine + sodium hyaluronate
Indication : Intensive lubrication of dry eyes & tear film stabilisation. Relieves inflammatory symptoms (eg, itching & burning).
Manufacturer : Ursapharm
Distributor : Pharmaforte
Generic Name : Sodium hyaluronate
Indication : Intensive & therapeutic ocular surface lubrication in more severe & persistent dry eye sensation including treatment after eye surgical interventions.
Manufacturer : Ursapharm
Distributor : Pharmaforte

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