Search Result For "dyslipidaemic agents"
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Generic Name : Rosuvastatin
Indication : Primary hypercholesterolaemia & mixed dyslipidaemia (including Fredrickson type IIa, IIb & heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia) as an adjunct to diet when response to diet & exerci...
Manufacturer : AstraZeneca
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : Rosuvastatin
Indication : Hypercholesterolaemia: Primary hypercholesterolaemia & mixed dyslipidaemia (including Fredrickson Type IIa & IIb, & heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia), & primary dysbetalipop...
Manufacturer : Eurodrug
Indication : Monotherapy or in combination w/ an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (statin) as an adjunct to diet for reduction of elevated total-C, LDL-C & Apo B in patients w/ primary hypercholesterolemia. In comb...
Generic Name : Fenofibrate
Indication : Hypercholesterolaemia & hypertriglyceridaemia alone or combined (types IIa, IIb, III, IV, V dyslipidaemias); secondary hyperlipoproteinaemias.
Manufacturer : Hyphens
Distributor : Pan-Malayan
Generic Name : Gemfibrozil
Indication : Treatment of lipid disorders eg, Fredrickson type IIA, IIB, III, IV, V; hyperlipidemia associated w/ diabetes; xanthomata associated w/ hyperlipidemias. Prevention of CHD.
Manufacturer : Medochemie
Distributor : Medochemie

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