Search Result For "nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids)"
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Generic Name : Ketoprofen
Indication : Anti-inflammation & soothing of pain caused by arthritis deformans, periarticular inflammation of shoulder, tendinitis, peritendinitis, epicondylitis of humerus, myalgia, pain & swelling follo...
Manufacturer : JEIL Pharm
Distributor : Pharmaforte
Generic Name : Ketoprofen
Indication : Relief of arthritis, tennis elbow, muscle ache, sports & exercise related injuries eg, sprains, strains & bruises.
Manufacturer : JEIL Pharm
Distributor : Pharmaforte
Generic Name : Ketoprofen
Indication : RA; periarthritis humelo-scapularis, peritendinitis/tenditis; muscular pain; pain & swelling resulting from trauma.
Manufacturer : Handok Inc
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma

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