Gastro-Bismol/Gastro-Bismol L

Gastro-Bismol/Gastro-Bismol L




Concise Prescribing Info
Bismuth subsalicylate
Gastro-Bismol Treatment of peptic ulcer, nausea, indigestion, heartburn & acute diarrhea including Traveler's diarrhea. Gastro-Bismol L Symptomatic relief of stomach upset eg, indigestion; control of diarrhea including Traveler's diarrhea; treatment of gastric ulcer in combination w/ other appropriate antibiotics.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Gastro-Bismol Adult 1 tab or 30 mL. Childn 9-12 yr 15 mL, 6-9 yr 10 mL, 3-6 yr 5 mL. Dosage may be repeated every ½ to 1 hr, if needed to a max of 8 doses in a day. Sachet Adult 1-2 sachet qid. Childn 9-12 yr 1 sachet qid, 6-9 yr 10 mL qid, 3-6 yr 5 mL qid. Gastro-Bismol L Adult 1 tab. Childn 9-12 yr ½ tab. All doses are to be taken bid. Dosage may be repeated every 1 hr, if needed but to a max of 4 doses/day (4.2 g) should not be exceeded.
May be taken with or without food.
Gastro-Bismol L Hypersensitivity to bismuth or salicylates. History of severe GI bleeding & coagulopathy. Pregnancy (3rd trimester).
Special Precautions
Gastro-Bismol Renal disorder. Patients w/ salicylate sensitivity. Childn. Gastro-Bismol L Renal impairment. Impaction in infants & debilitated patients. May interfere w/ radiologic exam. Lactation.
Adverse Reactions
Gastro-Bismol Dark stool, hypersensitivity reactions. Gastro-Bismol L Darkening of stool & tongue.
Drug Interactions
Gastro-Bismol May reduce GI absorption of tetracyclines. Gastro-Bismol L Ringing of the ears occurs w/ aspirin. Decrease GI absorption & bioavailability of tetracyclines.
MIMS Class
Antacids, Antireflux Agents & Antiulcerants / Antidiarrheals
ATC Classification
A07BB - Bismuth preparations ; Used as intestinal adsorbents.
Gastro-Bismol oral susp 262 mg/15 mL
((original flavor)) 20 × 1's; (orange & original flavor) 240 mL x 24 × 1's
/thailand/image/info/gastro-bismol oral susp 262 mg-15 ml/262 mg-15 ml x 240 ml?id=140a4cdd-c091-452d-a7f9-a38900ca3c81
/thailand/image/info/gastro-bismol oral susp 262 mg-15 ml/262 mg?id=1e5e9b9d-f9db-43c3-ad9a-a65d007d87cf
/thailand/image/info/gastro-bismol oral susp 262 mg-15 ml/262 mg-15 ml x 240 ml?id=1d21bca9-9952-4005-9edf-a20b00811747
Gastro-Bismol L tab 1048 mg
10 × 10's;20 × 10's
Gastro-Bismol tab 524 mg
10 × 10's;20 × 10's
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