Mucilin/Mucilin SF

Mucilin/Mucilin SF

ispaghula husk


Berlin Pharm


Berlin Pharm
Concise Prescribing Info
Ispaghula husk
Habitual constipation. Conditions in which easy defaecation w/ soft stool is desirable, eg, painful defaecation after rectal or anal surgery, anal fissures & haemorrhoids. Patients advisable for increased daily fiber intake, eg, as adjuvant in constipation predominant irritable bowel syndrome or to diet in hypercholesterolemia.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Habitual constipation & conditions in which easy defaecation w/ soft stool is desirable Elderly, adult & adolescent >12 yr 7-11 g in 1-3 doses daily. Childn 6-12 yr 3-8 g in 1-3 doses daily. Patients advisable for increased daily fiber intake Elderly, adult & adolescent >12 yr 7-20 g in 1-3 doses daily.
Should be taken with food: Mix 1 sachet or 2 tsp of powd w/ 150 mL of cool water, milk, fruit juice or other drinking liqd. Stir briskly & drink immediately, followed by an additional glass of water or other drinking liqd. Do not take w/o water or other drinking liqd.
Hypersensitivity. Not to be used by patients w/ sudden change in bowel habit that persists for >2 wk, undiagnosed rectal bleeding & failure to defaecate following laxative use; suffering from abdominal constrictions in GIT, w/ oesophageal & cardiac diseases, potential or existing intestinal blockage (ileus), intestine or megacolon paralysis. Patients who have difficulty in swallowing or any throat problems.
Special Precautions
Discontinue use if constipation does not resolve w/in 3 days or if abdominal pain occurs or in case of any irregularity of faeces. Not to be used by patients w/ faecal impaction & symptoms eg, abdominal pain, nausea & vomiting; had difficulty in swallowing or have any throat problems; suffering from phenylketonuria. Chest pain, vomiting, or difficulty in swallowing or breathing. Use as adjuvant to diet in hypercholesterolemia. Pregnancy (administer w/ adequate fluids). Not recommended in childn <6 yr (for habitual constipation & conditions in which easy defaecation w/ soft stool is desirable) & <12 yr (to whom increased daily fiber intake may be advisable). Debilitated &/or elderly patients.
Adverse Reactions
Flatulence; abdominal distension & intestinal or oesophageal obstruction & faecal impaction; allergic reactions including exanthema &/or pruritus, rhinitis, conjunctivitis & bronchospasm.
Drug Interactions
Delayed enteral absorption of minerals, vit B12, cardiac glycosides, coumarin derivatives, carbamazepine & lithium. Concomitant use w/ anti-diabetics & thyroid hormones.
MIMS Class
Laxatives, Purgatives
ATC Classification
A06AC01 - ispaghula (psylla seeds) ; Belongs to the class of bulk-producing laxatives.
Mucilin powd for oral susp 5 g
((orange flavour)) 30 × 1's
Mucilin SF powd for oral susp 5 g
((orange & mixed berry flavour)) 10 × 1's; ((orange & mixed berry flavour)) 30 × 1's
/thailand/image/info/mucilin sf powd for oral susp 5 g/5 g?id=d99bc110-8756-4fe7-99fa-a6be00b2c29a
/thailand/image/info/mucilin sf powd for oral susp 5 g/5 g?id=e0a0147e-fc33-4ba9-b940-a6ad00d35de4
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