Search Result For "enteral/nutritional products"
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Generic Name : ascorbic acid + betacarotene + biotin + calcium + , ...more
Indication : Sole source of nutrition or meal supplement suitable for elderly w/ malnutrition or at risks of malnutrition.
Manufacturer : Abbott
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : calcium beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate + canola , ...more
Indication : Elderly w/ malnutrition or at risk of developing malnutrition.
Manufacturer : Abbott
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : ascorbic acid + betacarotene + biotin + calcium + , ...more
Indication : Supplemental source of nutrition for convalescent & hospitalized patients, & malnourished elderly.
Manufacturer : Abbott
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : ascorbic acid + betacarotene + biotin + calcium + , ...more
Indication : Nutritional complete w/ high energy (2 kCal/mL), high protein (20% energy) sip feed w/ fibre for dietary management of patients w/ or at risk of malnutrition in particular w/ increased energy & pr...
Manufacturer : Fresenius Kabi
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : brassica napus seed oil + calcium caseinate + fish , ...more
Indication : Oral nutritional supplement for dietary management of patients w/ or at risk of malnutrition or loss of appetite particularly diabetic patients.
Manufacturer : Fresenius Kabi
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : calcium + carbohydrate + fat + phosphorus + potass , ...more
Indication : Food supplement.
Manufacturer : Fresenius Kabi
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma

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