
Thông tin thuốc gốc
Chỉ định và Liều dùng
Nausea and vomiting
Adult: As short-term treatment: ≥35 kg: 10 mg up to tid. Max: 30 mg daily. Max treatment duration: 1 week. Use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible duration needed to control the symptoms.
Child: ≥12 years weighing ≥35 kg: Same as adult dose.
Suy thận
Dose and frequency reduction may be required.
Suy gan
Moderate or severe: Contraindicated.
Cách dùng
Should be taken on an empty stomach. Take 15-30 min before meals.
Chống chỉ định
Prolactin-releasing pituitary tumour (prolactinoma), conditions where stimulation of gastric motility may be harmful (e.g. gastrointestinal haemorrhage, mechanical obstruction or perforation), known existing prolongation of cardiac conduction intervals (particularly QTc), underlying cardiac disease (e.g. CHF), significant electrolyte disturbances (e.g. hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia, hyperkalaemia). Moderate or severe hepatic impairment. Concomitant use with QT-prolonging drugs or potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g. azole antifungals, macrolides, protease inhibitors, nefazodone).
Thận trọng
Patient with personal or family history of breast cancer, risk factors for sudden cardiac arrest (e.g. family history of coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, obesity, hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes, alcoholism, smoking). Renal and mild hepatic impairment. Children and elderly. Pregnancy and lactation.
Tác dụng không mong muốn
Significant: Increased prolactin levels (dose-dependent). Very rarely, QT prolongation.
Eye disorders: Oculogyric crisis.
Gastrointestinal disorders: Dry mouth, diarrhoea.
General disorders and administration site conditions: Asthenia.
Immune system disorders: Very rarely, anaphylactic reaction (including anaphylactic shock).
Investigations: Very rarely, abnormal LFT.
Nervous system disorders: Headache, somnolence. Very rarely, convulsion, extrapyramidal disorder.
Psychiatric disorders: Anxiety, loss of libido. Very rarely, agitation, nervousness.
Renal and urinary disorders: Very rarely, urinary retention.
Reproductive system and breast disorders: Breast pain and tenderness, galactorrhoea. Rarely, amenorrhoea, gynaecomastia.
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: Rash, pruritus. Very rarely, angioedema, urticaria.
Potentially Fatal: Very rarely, ventricular arrhythmias, Torsade de Pointes, sudden cardiac death.
Chỉ số theo dõi
Monitor renal function. Obtain ECG at baseline then periodically during treatment.
Quá liều
Symptoms: Altered consciousness, agitation, convulsions, disorientation, extrapyramidal reactions, and somnolence. Management: Supportive and symptomatic treatment. Perform gastric lavage and administer activated charcoal. Monitor ECG for the possibility of QT interval prolongation. May administer anticholinergics or anti-Parkinsonian agents to control extrapyramidal reactions.
Tương tác
Decreased bioavailability with antacids or antisecretory agents; avoid concurrent use. Anticholinergic agents (e.g. dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine) may antagonise the anti-dyspeptic effect of domperidone.
Potentially Fatal: Increased risk of serious ventricular arrhythmias or sudden cardiac death with QT-prolonging drugs (e.g. disopyramide, amiodarone, haloperidol, citalopram, erythromycin, pentamidine, halofantrine, cisapride, mizolastine, toremifene, aprepitant, bepridil, methadone) or potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g. clarithromycin, ketoconazole, ritonavir, nefazodone).
Tương tác với thức ăn
May increase serum concentrations with grapefruit juice.
Tác dụng
Mechanism of Action: Domperidone is a dopamine antagonist with antiemetic properties. Its effect may be attributed to a combination of peripheral (gastrokinetic) effects and antagonism of dopamine receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone (located in the area postrema). It increases oesophageal peristalsis, pressure in the lower oesophageal sphincter, gastric motility and peristalsis, and improves gastroduodenal coordination, thus facilitating gastric emptying and reducing small bowel transit time.
Absorption: Rapidly absorbed. Bioavailability: Approx 15%. Time to peak plasma concentration: Approx 30-60 minutes.
Distribution: Enters breast milk (small amounts). Plasma protein binding: 91-93%.
Metabolism: Rapidly and extensively metabolised in the liver by CYP3A4 isoenzyme via N-dealkylation and by CYP3A4, CYP1A2, and CYP2E1 isoenzymes via hydroxylation. Undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism.
Excretion: Via urine (31%; approx 1% as unchanged drug); faeces (66%; 10% as unchanged drug). Elimination half-life: 7-9 hours.
Đặc tính

Chemical Structure Image

Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 3151, Domperidone. Accessed Mar. 29, 2022.

Bảo quản
Store between 15-30°C. Protect from moisture and light.
Phân loại MIMS
Thuốc chống nôn
Phân loại ATC
A03FA03 - domperidone ; Belongs to the class of propulsives. Used in the treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders.
Tài liệu tham khảo
Anon. Domperidone. Lexicomp Online. Hudson, Ohio. Wolters Kluwer Clinical Drug Information, Inc. Accessed 10/02/2022.

Buckingham R (ed). Domperidone. Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference [online]. London. Pharmaceutical Press. Accessed 10/02/2022.

Domperidone 1 mg/mL Oral Suspension (Zentiva Pharma UK Limited). MHRA. Accessed 10/02/2022.

Janssen-Cilag (New Zealand) Ltd. Motilium 10 mg Film-Coated Tablets data sheet 19 November 2020. Medsafe. Accessed 10/02/2022.

Joint Formulary Committee. Domperidone. British National Formulary [online]. London. BMJ Group and Pharmaceutical Press. Accessed 10/02/2022.

Motilium 10 mg Film-Coated Tablets (Zentiva Pharma UK Limited). MHRA. Accessed 10/02/2022.

Motilium Tablet 10 mg, Oral Suspension 1 mg/mL (Johnson & Johnson Sdn. Bhd.). National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency - Ministry of Health Malaysia. Accessed 10/02/2022.

Naupastad 10 (Stellapharm J.V. Co Ltd). MIMS Hong Kong. Accessed 10/02/2022.

Thông báo miễn trừ trách nhiệm: Thông tin này được MIMS biên soạn một cách độc lập dựa trên thông tin của Domperidone từ nhiều nguồn tài liệu tham khảo và được cung cấp chỉ cho mục đích tham khảo. Việc sử dụng điều trị và thông tin kê toa có thể khác nhau giữa các quốc gia. Vui lòng tham khảo thông tin sản phẩm trong MIMS để biết thông tin kê toa cụ thể đã qua phê duyệt ở quốc gia đó. Mặc dù đã rất nỗ lực để đảm bảo nội dung được chính xác nhưng MIMS sẽ không chịu trách nhiệm hoặc nghĩa vụ pháp lý cho bất kỳ yêu cầu bồi thường hay thiệt hại nào phát sinh do việc sử dụng hoặc sử dụng sai các thông tin ở đây, về nội dung thông tin hoặc về sự thiếu sót thông tin, hoặc về thông tin khác. © 2024 MIMS. Bản quyền thuộc về MIMS. Phát triển bởi
  • Agimoti
  • Apo-Domperidone
  • Apuldon
  • Benzilum
  • Bivior
  • Cadiperidon
  • Cadiramid
  • Cinet
  • Crown Domperidone
  • Curedom
  • Darida
  • Domfeboston
  • Domilume
  • Domne
  • Dompenyl-M
  • Domperidon Uphace
  • Domperidon-BVP
  • Domperidone Daewon
  • Domperidone GSK
  • Domperidone TV Pharm
  • Domperon
  • Dompidone
  • Dompil
  • Domreme
  • Domridon
  • Domridon-M
  • Domsimix
  • Domstal/Torolium MT
  • Donalium
  • Dotium
  • Eftirlium
  • Esogut Drop
  • Esogut Suspension
  • KMS Domperidone Maleate
  • Maxidom
  • Modom'S
  • Modon-M
  • Mofirum
  • Motidom
  • Motilium Hỗn dịch
  • Motilium-M
  • Motinorm tabs/drops
  • Mutecium-M
  • Newgene Domperidone
  • Ompel-M
  • Operidone
  • Oriner
  • Pedomcad
  • Pedomcad suspension
  • Peridom-M
  • Potaridone
  • Prevomit FT
  • Pyme Pelium
  • Ragozax
  • Regurgex
  • Sagolium-M
  • Savidome
  • Shidom
  • Soltina
  • SP-Dom
  • Unidone-M
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