
Mirena Dosage/Direction for Use





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Dosage/Direction for Use
Starting treatment: Contraception and idiopathic menorrhagia: In women of fertile age, Mirena is inserted into the uterine cavity within seven days of the onset of menstruation. It can be replaced by a new system at any time of the cycle.
Post-partum insertion: To reduce the risk of perforation, postpartum insertions should be postponed until the uterus is fully involuted. Do not insert earlier than six weeks after delivery. If the patient is experiencing significant post-partum bleeding and/or pain then infection or other causes should be excluded before insertion. Mirena can also be inserted immediately after the first trimester abortion.
Mirena is effective for 5 years in the indications for contraception and idiopathic menorrhagia so should be removed after 5 years use. If the user wishes to continue using the same method, a new system can be inserted at the same time, in which case no additional protection is required.
If pregnancy is not desired, the removal should be carried out within 7 days of the onset of menstruation in women of fertile age, provided the woman is experiencing regular menses. If the system is removed at some other time during the cycle or the woman does not experience regular menses and the woman has had intercourse within a week, she is at risk of pregnancy. To ensure continuous contraception a new system should be immediately inserted or an alternative contraceptive method should have been initiated (e.g. condoms) starting at least 7 days before the removal.
Protection from endometrial hyperplasia during oestrogen replacement therapy: When used for endometrial protection during oestrogen replacement therapy, Mirena can be inserted at any time in an amenorrhoeic woman, or during the last days of menstruation or withdrawal bleeding.
In the indication for protection from endometrial hyperplasia during oestrogen replacement therapy, clinical data (from clinical trials conducted in women of 18 years and over) beyond 4 years of use are limited. Mirena should therefore be removed after 4 years.
Mirena provides the progestogen component of hormone therapy (HRT). Therefore in women receiving HRT, Mirena can be used in combination with oral or transdermal oestrogen preparations without additional exogenous progestogens. The product information of the oestrogen component of the HRT should be consulted prior to the use of Mirena as the important risk factors associated with HRT use should be considered, such as the risk of endometrial cancer, breast cancer and venous thromboembolisms.
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