Search Result For "vaccines, antisera & immunologicals"
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Generic Name : Rotavirus vaccine
Indication : Prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis in infants & childn caused by serotypes G1, G2, G3, G4 & G9.
Manufacturer : MSD
Indication : Prevention of herpes zoster & post-herpetic neuralgia in adults ≥50 yr; adults ≥18 yr at increased risk of herpes zoster.
Manufacturer : GlaxoSmithKline
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : andusomeran
Indication : Spikevax XBB.1.5 pre-filled syringe Active immunisation to prevent COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 in individuals ≥12 yr. Spikevax 2023-2024 Formula (XBB.1.5) multidose vial Active immunisation to pr...
Manufacturer : Moderna
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : Palivizumab
Indication : Prevention of serious lower resp tract disease caused by resp syncytial virus (RSV) in childn at high risk of RSV disease. Childn born at 35 wk of gestation or less & <6 mth of age at the onset...
Manufacturer : AstraZeneca
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : Tetanus immunoglobulin
Indication : Prophylaxis in persons w/ recent injuries & whose prior vaccination regimen was incomplete or is unknown, whose w/ severe deficiency in Ab production. Therapy of clinically manifest tetanus.
Manufacturer : CSL Behring
Distributor : Primal
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