
Generic Medicine Info
Indications and Dosage
Hyperlipidaemias, Primary prophylaxis of coronary artery disease
Adult: Initially, 10-20 mg/day in the evening, may increase at intervals of at least 4 wk to max 80 mg/day as a single or in 2 divided doses.
Child: As an adjunct w/ heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: 10-17 yr Initially, 10-20 mg once daily may increase at intervals of 4 wk to max 40 mg once daily.
Renal Impairment
CrCl (mL/min) Dosage
<30 Use w/ caution in doses >20 mg/day.
Should be taken with food.
Active liver disease or unexplained persistent elevated serum transaminases. Concomitant use w/ CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g. nefazodone, erythromycin, boceprevir, clarithromycin, telithromycin, HIV protease inhibitors, itraconazole, ketoconazole, posaconazole, telaprevir), gemfibrozil, ciclosporin. Pregnancy and lactation.
Special Precautions
History of liver disease; patients at risk of myopathy;. alcoholism; inadequately controlled hypothyroidism. Severe renal impairment.
Adverse Reactions
GI disturbances, headache, dizziness, insomnia, myopathy or rhabdomyolysis (dose related), myalgia, arthralgia, wt gain, blurred vision, rash, asymptomatic hepatic aminotransferase elevation.
Potentially Fatal: Severe rhabdomyolysis w/ acute renal failure. Hepatitis, pancreatitis. Rare: Stevens-Johnson syndrome, anaphylaxis, toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Monitoring Parameters
Monitor creatine kinase (CK) periodically and LFT. Discontinue if there is significant or persistent increase in CK levels, serum aminotransferase levels or evidence of myopathy.
Drug Interactions
Increased risk of myopathy/rhabdomyolysis w/ amiodarone, colchicine, ranolazine, danazol, diltiazem and verapamil. May increase anticoagulant effect of warfarin.
Potentially Fatal:
Increased risk of myopathy and rhabdomyolysis w/ concomitant CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g. nefazodone, erythromycin, boceprevir, clarithromycin, telithromycin, HIV protease inhibitors, itraconazole, ketoconazole, posaconazole, telaprevir), gemfibrozil, ciclosporin.
Food Interaction
Reduced serum levels w/ St John's wort. Increased serum level w/ grapefruit juice, avoid concurrent intake of >1 quart/day.
Lab Interference
May alter thyroid function tests.
Mechanism of Action: Lovastatin reduces cholesterol by competitively inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, the rate-limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis.
Absorption: 30% absorbed from the GI tract. Time to peak plasma concentration: W/in 2-4 hr.
Distribution: <5% reach the circulation. Plasma protein binding: >95%.
Metabolism: Extensively hepatic via hydrolysis; converted to active β-hydroxyacid form.
Excretion: Via faeces (approx 85%); via urine (approx 10%). Elimination half-life: 1-2 hr.
Store between 20-25°C.
MIMS Class
Dyslipidaemic Agents
Anon. Lovastatin. Lexicomp Online. Hudson, Ohio. Wolters Kluwer Clinical Drug Information, Inc. https://online.lexi.com. Accessed 24/10/2013.

Buckingham R (ed). Lovastatin. Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference [online]. London. Pharmaceutical Press. https://www.medicinescomplete.com. Accessed 24/10/2013.

FDA Drug Safety Communication: Interactions Between Certain HIV or Hepatitis C Drugs and Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs Can Increase The Risk of Muscle Injury. U.S. FDA. https://www.fda.gov/. Accessed 24/10/2013.

Lovastatin Tablet (Actavis Inc.). DailyMed. Source: U.S. National Library of Medicine. https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/. Accessed 24/10/2013.

McEvoy GK, Snow EK, Miller J et al (eds). Lovastatin. AHFS Drug Information (AHFS DI) [online]. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). https://www.medicinescomplete.com. Accessed 24/10/2013.

Statins and HIV or Hepatitis C Drugs: Drug Safety Communication - Interaction Increases Risk of Muscle Injury. U.S. FDA. https://www.fda.gov/. Accessed 31/10/2013.

Disclaimer: This information is independently developed by MIMS based on Lovastatin from various references and is provided for your reference only. Therapeutic uses, prescribing information and product availability may vary between countries. Please refer to MIMS Product Monographs for specific and locally approved prescribing information. Although great effort has been made to ensure content accuracy, MIMS shall not be held responsible or liable for any claims or damages arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein, its contents or omissions, or otherwise. Copyright © 2024 MIMS. All rights reserved. Powered by MIMS.com
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