Search Result For "supplements & adjuvant therapy"
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Generic Name : curcuma xanthorrhiza dried extract + lecithin + si , ...more
Indication : Prevents liver damage & improves hepatic function.
Manufacturer : Solas
Generic Name : eurycoma longifolia + serenoa repens extract + tri , ...more
Indication : Sexual dysfunction, prostate hypertrophy, hormone imbalance, infertility.
Generic Name : citrus sinensis fruit fresh + curcuma domestica rh , ...more , channa striata + citrus x sinensis extract + curcu , ...more , ophiocephalus striatus extract
Indication : Vipalbumin/Vipalbumin Plus Hypoalbuminemia. Enhance body resistance, albumin & globulin levels; promotes post-op wound healing, relieve edema, accelerate healing process; critically ill. Acts as a...
Generic Name : astaxanthin + bilberry dry extract + lutein + sele , ...more
Indication : Supportive treatment to maintain eye health.
Manufacturer : Solas

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