Search Result For "antidepressants"
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Generic Name : Sertraline
Indication : Symptomatic treatment of depression including depression accompanied by anxiety symptoms in patients w/ or w/o history of mania. Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD); panic disorder w/ or w/o agorapho...
Manufacturer : Viatris
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
MIMS Class : Antidepressants
Mechanism of Action
Mechanism of Action: Sertraline, a naphthaleneamine derivative, is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant agent. It potentiates the serotonergic activity in the central nerv...
Increased pimozide levels. Increased risk of QTc prolongation &/or ventricular arrhythmia w/ drugs prolonging QTc intervals. Increased in tremor w/ lithium. Reduced plasma levels w/ phenytoin. Mon...
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