
Armida Caution For Usage





Cathay Drug
Full Prescribing Info
Caution For Usage
Instruction and Special Precautions for Handling and Disposal: Many antineoplastic are potent and potentially highly toxic drugs that must be handled with due care. Any remaining unused product should be disposed of in accordance with the local requirement.
Recommendations in handling and disposal of antineoplastic agents generally include: that protective clothing be worn, including gloves, eye protection, and masks if necessary (it should be noted that gloves may vary in their resistance to penetration, depending upon their thickness, the material of which they are made, and the drug in question); that waste should be disposed of carefully in suitable separate containers, clearly labelled as to their contents (it should be noted that the patient's body fluids and excreta may contain appreciable amounts of antineoplastic agents and it has been suggested that they and materials such as bed linen contaminated with them should also be treated as hazardous waste; that adequate procedures should be in place for accidental contamination due to spillages; that staff exposure to antineoplastic agents be recorded and monitored; that pregnant staff should avoid handling these drugs if possible.
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