



Zhejiang Ruixin


Global Pharmatrade
Concise Prescribing Info
Atropine sulfate
Treatment of bradycardia & asystole of various causes including acute CPR procedures, poisoning w/ mushrooms containing muscarine & organophosphorus pesticide poisoning; used in anesth practice as premedicant & to counteract the muscarinic effects of anticholinesterases eg, neostigmine & other parasympathomimetics; antispasmodic in GI disorders; adjunct to opioid analgesics for symptomatic relief of biliary or renal colic; treat or prevent bronchospasm.
Dosage/Direction for Use
As premedicant Adult & childn >20 kg 300-600 mcg SC/IM 30-60 min before anesth or 300-600 mcg IV immediately before anesth. May also be given in combination w/ up to 10 mg morphine sulfate SC/IM about 1 hr before anesth. Childn up to 3 kg 100 mcg SC/IM; 7-9 kg 200 mcg; 12-16 kg 300 mcg. Neonate & infant 20 mcg/kg. Asystole, electromechanical dissociation 1 mg IV repeated every 3-5 min to total of 0.04 mg/kg. Bradycardia 0.5-1 mg IV repeated every 3-5 min to total of 0.04 mg/kg. Poisoning w/ other compd having muscarinic actions, organophosphorus pesticides or chemical warfare nerve gases Adult Initially ≥2 mg IM/IV every 10-30 min or every 5 min for severe cases. Moderate to severe poisoning State of atropinization maintained for at least 2 days. Overdosage w/ cholinomimetics eg, bethanechol Initially 0.5-1 mg SC/IV & repeated 2 hrly.
Prostate enlargement, paralytic ileus or pyloric stenosis, angle-closure glaucoma or w/ narrow-angle between iris & cornea; myasthenia gravis except to reduced adverse muscarinic effects of anticholinesterases; high ambient temp due to risk of provoked hyperthermia especially in childn.
Special Precautions
Ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, fever due to risk of hyperthermia; conditions characterized by tachycardia eg, thyrotoxicosis, heart failure, cardiac surgery; Down's syndrome, albinism, acute MI, HTN. Reduced bronchial secretion, blurred vision, dizziness, confusion. W/drawal, dosage increase & transfer to other forms of treatment should be gradual in treatment of Parkinsonism. May impair ability to drive or operate machinery. Childn & elderly.
Adverse Reactions
Dry mouth, difficulty swallowing & talking, thirst, reduced bronchial secretions, dilatations of pupils or mydriasis w/ loss of accommodation or cycloplegia & photophobia, flushing, dry skin, transient bradycardia followed by tachycardia w/ palpitations & arrhythmias, difficulty in micturition, reduced GIT tone & motility. Conjunctivitis, skin rash, hyperthermia.
Drug Interactions
Enhanced effect w/ drugs w/ antimuscarinic properties eg, amantadine, antihistamines, phenothiazine antipsychotics & TCAs; enhanced antimuscarinic effect w/ MAOIs; effect counteracted by parasympathomimetics. May affect absorption of other drugs.
MIMS Class
Antidotes & Detoxifying Agents / Antispasmodics
ATC Classification
A03BA01 - atropine ; Belongs to the class of belladonna alkaloids, tertiary amines. Used in the treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders.
Atropan soln for inj 1 mg/mL
1 mL x 10 × 1's
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