





Concise Prescribing Info
Adjunct to diet & exercise to lower blood glucose in patients w/ NIDDM (type II) whose hyperglycemia cannot be controlled by diet or exercise alone.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Initially 1 mg/day, may be increased to 2, 3 or 4 mg/day w/ interval of about 1-2 wk. Max: 6 mg/day. Switch over from other oral hypoglycemic agents 1 mg/day, may be increased stepwise as usual dose indicated.
Should be taken with food: Take shortly before or during breakfast/main meal. Swallow whole w/ some liqd.
Hypersensitivity to glimepiride, other sulfonylureas or sulfonamides. Insulin-dependent diabetes, diabetic coma, ketoacidosis. Severe renal or hepatic function disorders. Childn & adolescent.
Special Precautions
Hypoglycemia. Regular monitoring of glucose levels in blood & urine. Determine the proportion of glycosylated Hb. Regular hepatic & haematological monitoring (especially leukocytes & thrombocytes). Switch over to insulin in stress-situations (eg, accidents, acute operations, infections w/ fever) & in patients w/ severe renal or liver impairment. Patients w/ G6PD deficiency; galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption. May impair ability to drive & use machines. Pregnancy & lactation.
Adverse Reactions
Thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, erythropenia, hemolytic anemia & pancytopenia; hypoglycemia.
Drug Interactions
May influence metabolism w/ CYP2C9 inducers (eg, rifampicin) or inhibitors (eg, fluconazole). Increased AUC w/ fluconazole. Potentiation of blood-glucose-lowering effect & hypoglycemia w/ phenylbutazone, azapropazone & oxyfenbutazone; insulin or oral antidiabetics eg, metformin; salicylates & p-aminosalicylic acid; anabolic steroids & male sex hormones; chloramphenicol, certain long-acting sulfonamides, tetracyclines, quinolones & clarithromycin; coumarin anticoagulants; fenfluramine; disopyramide; fibrates; ACE inhibitors; fluoxetine, MAOIs; allopurinol, probenecid, sulfinpyrazone; sympatholytics; cyclophosphamide, trophosphamide & iphosphamides; miconazole, fluconazole; pentoxifylline (high-dose parenteral); tritoqualine. Weakened blood glucose-lowering effect & raised blood glucose levels w/ estrogens & progestogens; saluretics, thiazide diuretics; thyroid stimulating agents, glucocorticoids; phenothiazine derivatives, chlorpromazine; adrenaline & sympathicomimetics; nicotinic acid (high dosages) & nicotinic acid derivatives; laxatives (long-term use); phenytoin, diazoxide; glucagon, barbiturates & rifampicin; acetazolamide. May either potentiate or weaken blood glucose-lowering effect w/ H2-antagonist, β-blockers, clonidine & reserpine; alcohol. Reduced or absent signs of adrenergic counter regulation to hypoglycemia w/ sympatholytic drugs eg, β-blockers, clonidine, guanethidine & reserpine. May either potentiate or weaken effects of coumarin derivatives.
MIMS Class
Antidiabetic Agents
ATC Classification
A10BB12 - glimepiride ; Belongs to the class of sulfonylureas. Used in the treatment of diabetes.
Azulix tab 2 mg
100's (P1,680/pack)
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